PART 1: The Magic of Mathematics in Machine Learning and its Pioneering Innovations

In the first of this two-part blog, we welcome you to the space where mathematics powers innovative technology and transformative healthcare – the world of machine learning. This fascinating subset of computer science is where computers learn from data. More than a series of ones and zeros, machine learning is a rich tapestry woven with mathematical concepts, from the fundamentals of algebra to the intricacies of calculus and statistics. These principles breathe life into machine learning algorithms, empowering them to decode patterns, make predictions, and solve problems.

DeepMind, a British AI trailblazer, offers an inspiring illustration of this power. Through machine learning, DeepMind’s AI system can diagnose eye diseases as accurately as, and occasionally better than, human doctors. By analysing thousands of 3D eye scans, their AI system was trained to identify the onset of diseases like age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, potentially saving someone’s sight.

At the heart of machine learning lies the intersection of algebra and statistics. Linear regression, a simple ML algorithm, has its roots in algebra. It connects data points with a straight line that best represents their overall trend. Statistics, on the other hand, offer a roadmap to understand and interpret the outcomes of machine learning models. Concepts like ‘mean,’ ‘median,’ ‘standard deviation,’ ‘probability,’ and ‘Bayesian inference’ allow us to comprehend the story data tells us and make predictions about future data.

This brings us to the remarkable women who have made their mark in this space. In the 19th century, Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and writer, became known as the world’s first computer programmer. Despite societal beliefs at the time, Lovelace worked on an algorithm intended for implementation on the Analytical Engine, a mechanical general-purpose computer design. Her foresight saw the machine’s potential beyond pure calculation – an insight that underpins modern computing.

In the modern era, we see Dame Wendy Hall, a British computer scientist who co-chaired the UK government’s AI review. Co-founder of the Web Science Research Initiative with Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, among others, Hall has significantly influenced digital technology. She was instrumental in creating a comprehensive report that guides the UK’s AI development strategy, fostering a healthy tech ecosystem and advocating ethical AI use.

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PART TWO: Unleashing AI Innovations in Healthcare and Your Role in Shaping the Future

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Today, organisations like Teens in AI, are inspiring young girls to become the next leaders in AI. With programmes like the AI4Good Incubator and IWD Global Techathon, they are offering opportunities to apply AI to critical issues such as climate change.

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